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Cookie Run Wiki
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Ah, a memoir from the Archives...
This article is archived for it is considered no longer relevant in-game.
The information is either discontinued or is about a terminated game.

Gather All The Letters is a limited-time event that rewards the player with 30 Crystals, 2 Boost Sets, and 1 Supreme Treasure Chest Ticket, for any player who can finish the mission during the event period. This is the first alphabet mission event released.

It is available from September 1st (released at the same time as Cherry Cookie and Rocket Firecracker) until September 22nd, 2014, 5 p.m. (GMT+9).


  1. The players are required to collect all the letters that are randomly appearing and flying in the game (they can appear in any stage).
  2. The letters that need to be collected are: "COOKIE RUN PLAY FOR FUN".
  3. Unlike Jellies, all letters are flying up and down - passing through obstacles, so the player may need to intentionally hit the obstacle to catch the letter.
  4. The letters can not be attracted by magnetic aura.
  5. Some letters need to be collected more than once (for example, the "O" needs to be collected three times).

    An example of letter "flying" in the game. Retrieved 1 Sept 2014.

  6. Some letters that do not appear in the code may also appear in the game (for example, "Z" or "X"). Catching these letters will not help or replace any letters in the target word.
  7. After collecting all the letters in the code, the event window will pop up showing that the player has completed the quest. Rewards will be given immediately.
  8. The reward can be collected only once.
  9. Letters will disappear after the event is over, or when the player has formed a full target word and claimed the reward.

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