Cookie Run Wiki

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Cookie Run Wiki
Sc world 08 01
How can it be..? She turned her own pet into a Jelly Walker!

This List of Pets details all of the playable character units in CookieWars.

By the end of the game's service, there were 100 playable Pets alongside numerous unreleased Units. In the primary gameplay of CookieWars, playing through tower defense stages, Pets can be run alongside most Units. They can be sorted in several categories, such as Release, Level, Rarity, etc. Pets were obtained through numerous different means, but primarily through a Gacha system.

Common Pets [Show/Hide]
Rare Pets [Show/Hide]
Epic Pets [Show/Hide]
Mythic Pets [Show/Hide]
Unreleased Pets [Show/Hide]
Unreleased Content#Jelly Scale
Jelly Scale
Unreleased Content#Purple Candle
Purple Candle
Unreleased Content#Mythic Giggle Bomb
Mythic Giggle Bomb
Unreleased Content#Emerald Golem
Emerald Golem
Unreleased Content#Magmabird
Unreleased Content#Thundersnow Yeti
Thundersnow Yeti
Unreleased Content#Water Dragon
Water Dragon
Unreleased Content#Speaker Sandwich
Speaker Sandwich
Unreleased Content#Fluffy Cheese Cat
Fluffy Cheese Cat
Unreleased Content#Brain Gum
Brain Gum
Unreleased Content#Unnamed Clam
Unnamed Clam
Unreleased Content#Unnamed Carrot
Unnamed Carrot
Unreleased Content#Unnamed Beet
Unnamed Beet
Unreleased Content#Unnamed Unicorn
Unnamed Unicorn
Unreleased Content#Unnamed Pancake
Unnamed Pancake

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Playable Pets (CookieWars)[Expand]
Common Pets Choco DropCheese DropCotton CloudBacteryChoco MushroomGrassyShrubbyPink CoralSeedyConed VineMr. BonesPink Petal
Rare Pets Snow GlobeJellyco CubeFlower BudPocket StrawberryRocket FirecrackerDumbbell TwinsCinnamon BunnyDragon's TailLittle GhostSpotlight FanMocha CoffeeMoon MortarHorned ConchThree LeafyBaby CabbageLog StubBig-mouthed AvocadoYellow LeafAngry OnionPea MothSquare WatermelonPurple StoneSoulless CoconutAloe TailJelly JellyfishStubborn Acorn
Epic Pets Mini Orange MouseMini Jackson No. 2Giggle BombSnow BlossomFox BeadApple RabbitBook of WizdomGlitter BallGhost ButlerPanda DumplingTea CupOnion FishSpace Mini BallCelestial StarFlame BatPancake FrisbeeOak BarrelCotton Candy BirdMetal CubePink MeringuePotato BudSnowballSleeping PodChubby TomatoPlanky PlankBubbly FoamChopped CornPineapple RingRasp RaspOrange PearHeart BerryOcto SausageButter HotcakeMilky SheepJoyful Choco DropCastanets
Mythic Pets Wave DropWindcatcherRed Dragon's TailHeavyweight DumbbellSmart Pocket StrawberryRed Fox BeadVanilla Cinnamon RollDynamite FirecrackerDreamcatcherMagma StoneDewy PetalRabbit MortarDouble ConePiggy HamUnicorn Rice CakeNyan ButterFluffy BreadLeafwichWalrus ConePizza PiranhaQueen PearlHeart Candy MonkeyPineapple UkuleleDurian ISteaming TeacupCrocoplierMeat KingClassic Castanets
Non-Playable Octo Wasabi
Unreleased Pets MagmabirdThundersnow YetiOcean DragonEmerald GolemUnnamed UnicornUnnamed ClamUnnamed CarrotUnnamed BeetUnnamed PancakeSpeaker SandwichBrain GumFluffy Cheese CatPurple CandleJelly ScaleMythic Giggle Bomb