Cookie Run Wiki

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Cookie Run Wiki
Cookie Run Wiki
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"Ah, a memoir from the Archives..."
This article is archived for it is considered no longer relevant in-game.
The information is either discontinued or is about a terminated game.

Shattered Kingdom is the seventh Land of Cookie Run: OvenBreak, released on September 27, 2016, alongside six other lands since the release of the game. It was the original last Land of the game until the release of Twisted Maze Grove in March 2018.

This land is themed around a medieval kingdom that once thrived long ago.

Land Summary[]

A kingdom that fell apart many years ago.
Run through the raining blades and see for yourself!
Today, a new legend begins!


As the former last land in Trophy Race, this land is extremely challenging and is filled with many different types of obstacles.

Shattered Kingdom pt 1

1. Where the Hero Sleeps[]

Shattred Kingdom pt 2

2. Hall of the Armored Knights[]

Shattered Kingdom pt 3

3. Dungeon of Screams[]

Shattered Kingdom pt 4

4. Room of the Raining Blades[]

Shattered Kingdom pt 5

5. Endless Path of the Warrior[]

Things to Unlock[]

