“ Just going to take a little... naaaaap... first... „
Taurus Cookie (Korean: 황소자리맛 쿠키, hwangsojarimat kuki) is an Epic Cookie released alongside her Pet, Bufala Horn, in the second half of the Falling Constellation Rescue! update.
And among the twelve star-blessed Cookies, none embodies serenity quite like Taurus Cookie.
Some whisper it's because the generous wedge of Camembert cheese in her recipe was aged with perhaps too much patience—she's so impossibly laid-back that legends says she could drift into a peaceful slumber right where she stands, even after tumbling from the sky! While her casual wielding of an enormous hammer might suggest her tranquil nature comes from overwhelming strength, there's more to this strong Cookie than meets the eye. Behind that powerful presence, she blushes as she confesses her love for delicate wildflower bouquets and tiny, chirping bocconcini cheese birds.
Word of caution: thinking of snatching a tasty jelly while Taurus Cookie enjoys her meal?
Well—let's just say no one's quite brave enough to witness what happens next.
Affection Jelly[]

Taurus Cookie's Skill | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Perform a bull charge at regular intervals. During the charge, the Cookie destroys obstacles and slams the ground with a hammer. Every third activation triggers an extended bull charge, slamming the ground with an axe instead. Level Up for higher Hammer Slam and Axe Slam. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Level | Energy | Skill | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 169 | Skill activation every 13.5 sec +1,680,800 Hammer Slam Points +1,680,000 Axe Slam Points | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15 | 295 | Skill activation every 13.5 sec +1,500,000 Hammer Slam Points +10,500,000 Axe Slam Points | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Super Epic[]
- Let's eat... nice and... slooow...
- Worrrrking... niiiice... and... steeeaaaaady...
- *Yaaawn* ... Sooo sleepy...
- The sun is sooo... waaaaarm... time for a break...
- I'll decorate... my hammer... with wildflowers...
- Just going to take... a little... naaaaap... first...
- Hmm? Not quite... suuure... I'll think about it... laaaater...
- Ohhh... I'm suuure... it'll beeeee fiiiine...
- I'm hungry... agaaain...
- This jelly... must be... saaaaavored... slowly...
- zZZ... zZZ...
Cookie Trial[]
- Hehe... let's haaaave snacks... first...
- Why are youuu... so scared...?
- Youuu caaaan... dooooo iiiiit...
- Keep praaacticing... and you'll get there...
- Try swinging... the lighter ooones... first...
Daily Gift[]
- Will... Cookieees... on Earthbread... enjoyyyy this, tooo...?
- *Yaaawn* How long have you... been here...?
- Snoooozing a loooot... make youuu... more... relaaaaxed...
- Ohhh... wildflowers! Don't hurt... the petals...
- The Cookies below... call for our help... sometimes...
- I loooove... saaavoring... yummy things...
- There's nothing to be... angryyyy about...
- I'm gonaaa... go baaack... to sleeeeep...
- There are places in the temple... where not everyone can enter...
- When I return to the sky... I'll be better friends... with everyone...
- Will I be able... to retuuurn...? (When placed in the Observatory of Whispering Nights Lobby)
- You should visit... the Celestial Temmmple... tooo... (When placed in a Lobby with
Elderberry Cookie or
Scholar of the Celestial Temple)
- Can I eat this... when I'm hungryyy...? (Given Cheese Horn Brooch)
- It's similar to the starlight... we see from the temple... (Given Royal Golden Dough)
- I don't know much... about Earthbreadly things... (Neutral)
Relationship Chart[]
Pilot Cookie: Sometimes... I seeee youuu flying... near the Celestiaaal Temmmple...
FriendlyMoonlight Cookie: You give meeee... the same feeling... as that Coooookie...
FriendlySea Fairy Cookie: Why dooo you watch... the night skyyyy... from the tower...?
FriendlyMoon Rabbit Cookie: There are similar... friennnds like youuu... on the moooon...
FriendlyLilybell Cookie: I'll give you... a bouquet too... mmm... smells so niiiice...
FriendlyPoison Mushroom Cookie: Wow... Mushroooom... Thank youuuu... Let's beeee friennnds...!
FriendlyStarfruit Cookie: Thanks for showing meee... such a nice spot... for naps...
FriendlyElderberry Cookie: Have you been... watching over me...? Even when I... didn't know I was... a Cookie...?
Appears on Relationship Charts[]
Muscle Cookie: Where and how did you get your strength?!
RivalVampire Cookie: Yeah... Lazing around is the best...
FriendlyYoga Cookie: Staying relaxed is good for your dough!
FriendlyMoonlight Cookie: Unfamiliar, yet... somehow... familiar...
FriendlyAvocado Cookie: That is some hammer! I wish I could make one for you!
FriendlyStarfruit Cookie: A constellation has descended upon us....!!!
AdmirationLilybell Cookie: You see the beauty in even the smallest wildflowers...!
FriendlyPoison Mushroom Cookie: Heeey... You speak slowwwly, too...! Want a shroomie?
FriendlyBaguette Cookie: Recording the times of countless stars is a challenge, even for us.
FriendlyElderberry Cookie: I gazed upon the stars for countless hours to understand more about you.
- Taurus Cookie is based off the astrological sign of Taurus. Although this version is decidedly depicted as female rather then male.
- Taurus Cookie is one of the Constellation Cookies, a group of presumably twelve Cookies each corresponding to an astrological zodiac sign.
- The other two currently known Constellation Cookies are Aquarius Cookie and Libra Cookie.
- Among the three constellations, Taurus Cookie is currently the only one to have a fully Cookie form.
- The other two currently known Constellation Cookies are Aquarius Cookie and Libra Cookie.
- The player can unlock
Moonlight Cookie on Taurus Cookie's relationship chart by putting Taurus Cookie in the Mystical Wizard's Desk Lobby.