Cookie Run Wiki

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Cookie Run Wiki
He who is brave is free.

The Tutorial is the first thing seen in Cookie Run: OvenBreak. It introduces the gameplay and Gacha mechanics, with the gameplay being showcased through Cookie Trials. The Cookies GingerBrave, Hero Cookie, Lemon Cookie, and Moonlight Cookie, along with their respective Pets Choco Drop, Jellyco Cube, Electro Lemon, and Dreamcatcher are unlocked in the Tutorial. The Tutorial has been in the game since the beginning, but it was updated to its current form with the Trial Star Candy rework on March 14th, 2023.



  • [A close up of GingerBrave's face in The Witch's Oven is shown. He sweats a lot.]
  • [He is revealed to be on a tray with other GingerBrave-like Cookies that appear to be dead.]
  • [GingerBrave is seen from an overhead view, and he talks to the camera.]
  • GingerBrave: I can't be eaten alive like this! Help me escape this hot oven!
  • [GingerBrave is seen from an overhead view, and three options appear, "Bake & Eat", "BREAK OUT", and "Google Play Login" (on Android)]
  • [If no buttons are pressed, GingerBrave will cycle through the following quotes.]
    • It's getting hot in here!
    • No! I wanna get out of here!
    • I'm not even that tasty...
    • I refuse to be eaten alive!
    • Where is this? Inside the oven?
  • [If the "Bake & Eat" button is pressed, nothing will happen, except GingerBrave will say one of the following quotes.]
    • You... can't be serious?
    • Even Cookies have lives!
    • Give it a rest!
    • Don't you pity me?
    • You're going to let me die?
    • Such cruelty...
    • How... how dare you!
    • Why are you doing this?
    • Tell me, WHY?
    • Where did I go wrong?
    • Baking is bad!
    • It's kind hot in here
    • Ouch! I think I just burnt a little!
    • That's evil!
    • Stop it already!
    • I beg you!
    • Stop baking me!
    • I had hopes... Dreams...
    • Think I'm going to give up?
    • No! You HAVE to save me!
    • Are you for real?
    • But why...
    • Really...?
      • Sigh* Will I be able to escape from here one day?
    • You're a stubborn one, aren't you?
    • Last chance to change your mind!

[Once "BREAK OUT" is selected, the loading screen will pop up and after it, gameplay will begin.]


[The scene changes to the main menu Lobby. The only button visible is the PLAY button in the bottom right.]

  • GingerBrave: Thank you! Oh savior! Will you tell me your name?

[The player enters a nickname.]

  • GingerBrave: "Nickname!" Music to my ears! We've gotten this far thanks to you, but it isn't over yet! To escape the Witch's grasp, we must get stronger! What are we waiting for? Adventures await!

[From here, the only option is to select Play, and from there, is directed to the Cookie trials.]

GingerBrave's Trial[]

  • GingerBrave: Follow me! Look at that, a new Trial! Doesn't it look like an amazing time? Let's check it out! How about a run?

[The Trial is played, and at least Bronze 3 Trial Goal is reached.]

  • GingerBrave: Great job! Let's check out the rank rewards.
  • GingerBrave: [after receiving two Trial Star Jellies] You can use those Trial Star Candies you just got to meet new Cookies and Pets! Right here! [The player then clicks on the "Unlock!" button, where they will unlock Hero Cookie.]
  • GingerBrave: Let's meet Hero Cookie and his Combi Pet!

[Hero Cookie has now been unlocked.]

  • Hero Cookie: Hello! Do you want to escape together with us?
  • Hero Cookie: Before we set off, let me tell you about how to get Treasures.

[The player is then guided to the Treasures section of the Gacha.]

  • Hero Cookie: Let's try this out! [The player then uses the Treasure Ticket they got from GingerBrave's trial. They will receive Divine Guardian Shield.]
  • Hero Cookie: Try using the shield and these Treasures together! [Hero Cookie then gives the player Candy Dynamite and Rainbow Headphones.]

Hero Cookie's Trial[]

[The player is then redirected to the Trials menu, where they unlock Hero Cookie's trial.]

  • Hero Cookie: You see the new Trial here, right? [after clicking on the trial] Right here!
  • Hero Cookie: [The Treasures given to you are automatically equipped.] Equipped! Now it's time to escape for real! Now we can run even further than before! Let's go!

[The player then starts Hero Cookie's trial, where they need to unlock at least Gold 3.]

  • Hero Cookie: [if the player failed to reach Gold 3] I'll raise your score to Gold 3.
  • Hero Cookie: Neat! Now, let's get the rank rewards!
  • Hero Cookie: [after receiving two Trial Star Jellies] You can use those Trial Star Candies you just got to meet new Cookies and Pets! Right here!
  • Hero Cookie: Let's meet Lemon Cookie and his Combi Pet!

[Lemon Cookie has now been unlocked.]

  • Lemon Cookie: I don't like being disturbed, but I'll go with you just this once.

Lemon Cookie's Trial[]

[The player is then redirected to the Trials menu, where they unlock Lemon Cookie's trial.]

  • Lemon Cookie: This way. [after clicking on the trial] Follow me. Let's go.

[The player then starts Lemon Cookie's trial, where they need to unlock at least Silver 3.]

  • Lemon Cookie: [if the player failed to reach Silver 3] I'll raise your score to Silver 3!
  • Lemon Cookie: Not bad... Let's get the rank rewards.
  • Lemon Cookie: [after receiving one Trial Star Candy] We are short on Trial Star Candies to unlock the next Cookie and Pet. Let's try leveling up using the Crystals we just got. I think Level 4 should be enough to run farther.

[Lemon Cookie is then upgraded to Level 4.]

  • Lemon Cookie: Since we have the Magic Candy ingredients, let's make ourselves one of those too.
  • Lemon Cookie: [after creating his Magic Candy] Let's level up my Combi Pet too this time. We should level up to Level 3.
  • Lemon Cookie: [after his pet is leveled up] That should be enough preparation. Let's run.

[The player then replays Lemon Cookie's trial, where they need to unlock at least Gold 3.]

  • Lemon Cookie: [if the player failed to reach Gold 3] I'll raise your score to Gold 3.
  • Lemon Cookie: Looks like you got a higher rank than last time.
  • Lemon Cookie: [after receiving one Trial Star Candy] If you don't have enough Trial Star Candies, try leveling up the Cookie, Pet, or Magic Candy. It's time to meet another Cookie and Pet. This way.
  • Lemon Cookie: Moonlight Cookie is waiting for you.

[Moonlight Cookie has now been unlocked.]

  • Moonlight Cookie: So it was you who woke me up, Nickname.

Moonlight Cookie's Trial[]

[The player is then redirected to the Trials menu, where they unlock Moonlight Cookie's trial.]

  • Moonlight Cookie: I dreamed about escaping out to the wide, open world. Come, follow me.

[The player then starts Moonlight Cookie's trial, where they need to unlock at least Silver 3.]

  • Moonlight Cookie: [if the player failed to reach Silver 3] I will raise your score up to Silver 3.
  • Moonlight Cookie: Marvelous. Now, you can claim your rewards.
  • Moonlight Cookie: [after receiving one Trial Star Candy] It looks like you do not have enough Trial Star Candies to meet the next Cookie. With that, I leave you. After leveling up, try running the Trial again. Farewell now...

[After leveling up Moonlight Cookie to Level 2, the player reaches Breakout Level 2. From here, the game opens up, and the player can choose to play Trophy Race or freely view other menus.]



  • Seneca the Younger was a Roman Stoic philosopher, statesman, dramatist, and satirist. The quote that begins the Tutorial is from Letter 85 of his Epistulae morales ad Lucilium, or Moral Letters to Lucilius.
  • Moonlight Cookie says that you haven't received enough Trial Star Candies after reaching Silver 3 in her Trial. This is not true. After receiving one Trial Star Candy in Moonlight's Trial, the player unlocks Cheesecake Cookie.

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CROB Game Mechanics
Game Modes Main StoryTrophy Trophy Race (Lands)Breakout ModeCookie TrialsGuild Coin Guild (Guild RunRival Match)Island of Memories Icon Island of MemoriesRaid Run (Skills)Champions League
Collectibles Cookie icon common Cookies (List)Pet icon common Pets (List) Treasure icon rare Treasures (List)Wardrobe Collection (Cookie Costumes - Pet CostumesJellyCollectionBook Jelly ShapesHome icon LobbiesTitle Badge TitlesStory) Music BoxFiery Emblem Fiery Emblem
Currencies Currency coin CoinCurrency crystal CrystalCurrency magic powder Magic PowderCurrency rainbow cube Rainbow CubeTrial star candy Star CandyCurrency gold gem Gold GemCurrency legendary gem Legendary GemCookie potion Cookie PotionPet Potion Pet PotionSpecial Cookie Potion Special Cookie PotionSpecial Pet Potion Special Pet PotionLegendary Cookie Potion Legendary Cookie PotionLegendary Pet Potion Legendary Pet Potion
Others TutorialLv 1 Jelly PointsPrize CouponSmall potion EnergyObstacles
Legacy Breakout Shop1vs1 RaceCookie QuestsMystery BoxesJelly Mission Jelly MissionDaily QuestsLeagueMedal Medal Exchange CenterDiaryPreferred Lobby GiftsCheer icon Cookie Cheer SquadTreasure TrialsSpirit Potion Spirit PotionLucky Cookie Jar Bonus JarsGuild ShopInvocation Shard Invocation ShardInvocation Token Invocation TokenInvocation Cards